33670 Products Listed as of Saturday, September 7, 2024

Calumet Refining, LLC

Company Description

Calumet manufactures, formulates, and markets a diversified slate of specialty branded products to customers in various consumer-facing and industrial markets. Calumet is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana and operates facilities throughout North America.

Company Info

2780 Waterfront Pky. E. Dr.

Indianapolis , IN 46214
P: (800) 437-3188


Products Manufactured by this Company

Brand SKU Name Category Subcategory Color & Printed/Unprinted Maximum Thickness/Usage
Calumet 300070100000 Calumet FR-6014 Components Waxes Opaque/white 6.807 lbs/gallon
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© 2024 BPI is a science-driven organization that supports a shift to the circular economy by promoting the production, use, and appropriate end of lives for materials and products that are designed to fully biodegrade in specific biologically active environments.